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TKO Testimonials


I always aim for the best. Best food, the best of friends, and to have the best vaporizer. The TKO is the end game changer, the most awesome, useful, versatile desktop enail out there.

Renato Rodriguez

TKO is the first 2nd gen ball vape

The TKO Is an enthusiasts ball vape. Users in the OWW discord have described it as a 2nd gen ball vape and that is honestly the most useful way to think about it

Jack Fancy, M.D.

Best Desktop Vaporizer Currently Available

This is by far the best desktop Vaporizer Currently being produced


Most powerful and versatile ballvape

This thing rocks. Custom coil from auber gives it the best heat transfer

Hippie Crusher

the OHV (O'Connell Herb Vehicle)

Our original design that opened the gateway to O'Connell Woodworks entering the Medicinal Herb Devices and Accessories market and rest is history.

O'Connell designs everything for his own use and then tweaks and perfects the designs before selling to our customers, Satisfaction is a must for us as quality and service is our top priority!

Activated when a small butane torch is aimed down into the intake tube while drawing air through the mouthpiece, and with the correct combination of heat and air movement, you can easily achieve massive clouds!

The Full sized Devices such as this one also has a 1" Taper around the bowl for easy loading and extra large hits. Fits a 10mm, 12mm, & 14mm Glass Stem.